Information related to service department activities will be posted here, when available. Please visit this page for additional information on city services.
Beginning the week of October 28, the Kirtland Service Department will collect brush throughout the city. The program is intended to assist residents with the fall clean-up of branches and twigs that have come down from the inclement winter weather. The program is NOT intended to assist with clearing a parcel or substantially clearing trees on a parcel. Weather permitting, City trucks will pass only one time through each ward, so please have your brush and tree limbs out by the start date listed for your ward.
Ward 2: Week of October 28
Ward 4: Week of October 28
Ward 3: Week of November 4
Ward 1: Week of November 4
Requirements for Brush Pick-up:
Brush should be placed at the edge of the road and not in the drainage ditches.
Brush should not exceed three inches in diameter or a maximum of four feet in length.
Brush bundles should not exceed 30 pounds and should be set out in an organized manner.
Bundling with twine is preferred to promote efficiency and safety.
The entire brush pile should not exceed 10 feet in width.
Unacceptable items include stumps, shrubs, leaves or ornamental grass, and Christmas trees.
No brush piles will be picked up if these requirements are not met.
Contact the Kirtland Service Department at 440-256-1234 if you have any questions.
Legal Notice to Bidders
Sealed proposals will be received at City Hall, City of Kirtland, 9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio, 44094, until 10:00 a.m., official time, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 for:
Said bids will be opened in Council Chambers at 10:00 a.m., official time on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.
Specifications containing proposal forms and information about bid guarantees are available at the City of Kirtland, 9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio, 44094; forms can be requested by calling 440-256-1234. Specifications and proposal forms are also available on the Service/Public Works Department page of the City of Kirtland website at www.kirtlandohio.com.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bidding and to award the bid to the lowest and/or best bidder based on the specifications.
Publish: 04/29/24
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Kirtland at the Office of the Mayor, 9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio, 44094, until 12:00 pm local time on Friday, September 8th, 2023, and then publicly opened and read aloud at Kirtland City Hall Council Chambers (9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio, 44094) for furnishing all labor and materials for the following:
Kirtland Community Center Playing Fields Restrooms
For the full document packet, please click here.
• Building
• Electrical
• Plumbing
The City of Kirtland will act as the general and will pull all permits.
A pre-bid project meeting will be held on: 8/30/2023 at 12:00 noon at the Kirtland Community Center, 7900 Euclid-Chardon Road, Kirtland Ohio 44094.
Specifications and Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the Director of Public Service and PDF copies obtained by making formal written (emails accepted, [email protected]) request to the Director.
Each bid and proposal must contain the name and address of every person, firm or corporation interested in same and shall be accompanied by a 100% bid bond, 10% certified check, or 10% official bank check drawn on a solvent bank in the respective percent of the total bid, payable to the City of Kirtland, as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted a Contract pursuant thereto will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Bid security in bond form shall be issued by a Surety or Insurance Company licensed to issue bonds in the State of Ohio. The check of the successful bidder will be returned upon proper execution and securing of the contract. The checks or bonds of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned after a contract has been awarded and entered into, or upon rejection of all bids.
Each bidder must submit evidence of its experience on projects of similar size and complexity. The project shall be completed no later than December 15, 2023.
All contractors and subcontractors will, to the extent practicable, use Ohio Products, material, services and labor. Additionally, contractor compliance with the equal employment opportunity requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor’s Executive Order of 1972, and Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.
The contractors will be responsible for meeting any specific requirements for this ODNR funded project.
The City of Kirtland reserves the right to accept the lowest and/or best bid, to award or reject sections separately, to delete certain items within any section, to increase or decrease quantities, to waive any informalities or irregularities and/or to reject any and all bids within sixty (60) days after receipt and opening of the bids. The failure to award a contract by ordinance within sixty (60) days after bid opening shall operate as a rejection of all bids, unless the time for awarding a contract is extended by mutual consent of the successful bidder and the Municipality.
Section 9.24 of the Ohio Revised Code prohibits the City of Kirtland from awarding a contract to any party against whom an unresolved finding for recovery has been issued by the Auditor of State.
The successful bidder will be required to sign a “Declaration Regarding Material Assistance / Non-Assistance to Terrorist Organization”.
Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Lake County and in the City of Kirtland, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Wage and Hour Division, (614) 644-2239.
Kevin F. Potter
ADV: 8/24/2023, 8/31/2023
News Herald
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Kirtland at the office of the Mayor, 9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio 44094, until 1:00 PM. local time on Thursday August 24, 2023, and then publicly opened and read aloud, for furnishing all labor and materials for the following:
Specifications and Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the Director of Public Service and copies obtained at the office of the C.W. Courtney Company, 700 Beta Drive, Suite 200, Cleveland, Ohio 44143, for a document fee of Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) non-refundable.
Each bid and proposal must contain the name and address of every person, firm or corporation interested in same and shall be accompanied by a 100% bid bond, 10% certified check, or 10% official bank check drawn on a solvent bank in the respective percent of the total bid, payable to the City of Kirtland, as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted a Contract pursuant thereto will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Bid security in bond form shall be issued by a Surety or Insurance Company licensed to issue bonds in the State of Ohio. The check of the successful bidder will be returned upon proper execution and securing of the contract. The checks or bonds of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned after a contract has been awarded and entered into, or upon rejection of all bids.
Each bidder must submit evidence of its experience on projects of similar size and complexity. The project shall be completed no later than December 15, 2023.
All contractors and subcontractors will, to the extent practicable, use Ohio Products, material, services and labor. Additionally, contractor compliance with the equal employment opportunity requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor’s Executive Order of 1972, and Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.
The City of Kirtland reserves the right to accept the lowest and/or best bid, to award or reject sections separately, to delete certain items within any section, to increase or decrease quantities, to waive any informalities or irregularities and/or to reject any and all bids within sixty (60) days after receipt and opening of the bids. The failure to award a contract by ordinance within sixty (60) days after bid opening shall operate as a rejection of all bids, unless the time for awarding a contract is extended by mutual consent of the successful bidder and the Municipality.
Section 9.24 of the Ohio Revised Code prohibits the City of Kirtland from awarding a contract to any party against whom an unresolved finding for recovery has been issued by the Auditor of State.
The successful bidder will be required to sign a “Declaration Regarding Material Assistance / Non-Assistance to Terrorist Organization”.
Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Lake County and in the City of Kirtland, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Wage and Hour Division, (614) 644-2239.
Kevin F. Potter
ADV: 8/9/2023, 8/16/23
News Herald
For full document packet, please click here.
The City of Kirtland is inviting bid proposals for Residential Waste Collection and Recycling Services within the City of Kirtland, Ohio. Bid Documents can be obtained at Kirtland City Hall located at, 9301 Chillicothe Rd, Kirtland, Ohio 44094, or on the City of Kirtland website https://kirtlandohio.com/
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on July 20, 2023, at 12:00 P.M. in Kirtland City Hall at 9301 Chillicothe Rd, Kirtland, Ohio 44094.
Bids will be received at Kirtland City Hall located at, 9301 Chillicothe Rd, Kirtland, Ohio 44094 until 12:00 P.M. on August 22, 2023, and will be opened publicly and read aloud at that time and place. Bidders must submit one (1) original, two (2) duplicate copies and one (1) electronic copy of its Bid in one sealed envelope clearly marked “RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING SERVICES BID.” Bids will be valid for 180 days after the Bid opening date.
Each Bid must contain all Bid Forms and be accompanied by a separate Bid Bond in the name of the “The City of Kirtland ” in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the first year Bid price (collection only) as security that, if the Bid is accepted, a Contract will be entered into with the City in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Form of Contract contained in the Bid Documents.
The Bid Bond will be returned when the Contract has been executed by the Successful Bidder, or when any Bid is, or all Bids are rejected. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and waive any non-conformities or irregularities contained therein.
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Kirtland at the office of the Mayor, 9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio 44094, until 11:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, and then publicly opened and read aloud, for furnishing all labor and materials for the following:
Specifications and Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the Director of Public Service and copies obtained at the office of the C.W. Courtney Company, 700 Beta Drive, Suite 200, Cleveland, Ohio 44143, for a document fee of Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) non-refundable.
Each bid and proposal must contain the name and address of every person, firm or corporation interested in same and shall be accompanied by a 100% bid bond, 10% certified check, or 10% official bank check drawn on a solvent bank in the respective percent of the total bid, payable to the City of Kirtland, as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted a Contract pursuant thereto will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Bid security in bond form shall be issued by a Surety or Insurance Company licensed to issue bonds in the State of Ohio. The check of the successful bidder will be returned upon proper execution and securing of the contract. The checks or bonds of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned after a contract has been awarded and entered into, or upon rejection of all bids.
Each bidder must submit evidence of its experience on projects of similar size and complexity. The project shall be completed no later than November 17, 2023.
All contractors and subcontractors will, to the extent practicable, use Ohio Products, material, services and labor. Additionally, contractor compliance with the equal employment opportunity requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor’s Executive Order of 1972, and Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.
The City of Kirtland reserves the right to accept the lowest and/or best bid, to award or reject sections separately, to delete certain items within any section, to increase or decrease quantities, to waive any informalities or irregularities and/or to reject any and all bids within sixty (60) days after receipt and opening of the bids. The failure to award a contract by ordinance within sixty (60) days after bid opening shall operate as a rejection of all bids, unless the time for awarding a contract is extended by mutual consent of the successful bidder and the Municipality.
Section 9.24 of the Ohio Revised Code prohibits the City of Kirtland from awarding a contract to any party against whom an unresolved finding for recovery has been issued by the Auditor of State.
The successful bidder will be required to sign a “Declaration Regarding Material Assistance / Non-Assistance to Terrorist Organization”.
Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Lake County and in the City of Kirtland, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Wage and Hour Division, (614) 644-2239.
Kevin F. Potter
ADV: 5/23/2023, 5/30/2023
News Herald
2023 Road Material Bids
Legal Notice to Bidders
Sealed proposals will be received in the Office of the Mayor, City of Kirtland,
9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio, 44094, until 8:59 o’clock a.m., official time, on Thursday, June , 2022 for:
Said bids will be opened in Council Chambers at 9:00 o’clock a.m., official time on Wednesday, June 9, 2023.
Specifications containing proposal forms and information about bid guarantees are available at the City of Kirtland, 9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio, 44094; forms can be requested by calling 440-256-3332, ext. 5. Specifications and proposal forms are also available on the Service Department page of the City of Kirtland website – www.kirtlandohio.com.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bidding and to award the bid to the lowest and/or best bidder based on the specifications.
Publish: 5/11/23
2020 Pavement Evaluation Report from SME
Download 2020 SME Report2019 Pavement Improvement Plan
Pavement Improvement Plan2018 Pavement Condition Report
Download 2018 City-Wide Pavement Condition Rating and Recommendations Download Policy
Mailbox Replacement Policy
For more information, please contact the City of Kirtland Service Department at 440-256-1234.
The City of Kirtland Service Department makes every effort to exercise caution while plowing snow. Unfortunately, there are instances when a mailbox is damaged. Our replacement policy is as follows:
- Only mailboxes damaged by direct contact with a city plow truck or plow blade will be replaced. A mailbox damaged by snow thrown or pushed by a city truck does NOT warrant replacement.
- “Rubbermaid” style mailboxes will NOT be replaced.
- Maximum replacement value is $35.
- Replacement mailboxes include a standard 4 x 4 treated wood post and mailbox, as approved by the US Postal Service.
Drainage Ditches – A Reminder to Residents
Please remember that leaves and other debris should not be dumped or allowed to collect in drainage ditches. An accumulation of leaves or other debris can plug drains and lead to flooding. Residents are responsible for maintaining any drainage ditches on their property.