Kirtland Cemetery Locations

Kirtland North
9016 Chillicothe Road

Kirtland South
10444 Chillicothe Road

7450 Euclid Chardon Road

9160 Euclid Chardon Road

For burial arrangements, please contact:
Joe Fornaro at 440-256-1234 ex. 11.

Cemetery Fee List

City of Kirtland Cemetery Rules


The planting and decorating of graves and lots shall be in accordance with the following rules:

(a) There shall be no planting of shrubs, trees, flowers or bushes of any kind without the

permission of the Cemetery Superintendent.

  • No glass items shall be used at any time of the year.
  • All Memorial Day or summer flowers or decorations shall be removed from cemetery grounds by October 15 of each year.
  • Christmas decorations shall be removed from cemetery grounds by March 1 of each year.
  • Easter and Passover flowers and decorations shall be removed within two weeks following Easter and Passover.
  • Neat artificial flowers may be used, but the right is reserved to remove such flowers when they appear dirty, broken or uncared for.
  • All potted plants, baskets or urns of flowers that are dead or dried up from lack of water or neglect shall be removed.
  • Cut flowers are permitted.
  • Flowerbeds that are established or that have been in a cemetery for a number of years shall be permitted to remain, but no new flowerbeds shall be permitted.
  • Neither the City nor any of its employees shall be responsible for stolen or broken pots, urns, baskets or vases.
  • During the grass growing season, wreaths, Styrofoam decorations, shells, toys, metal designs, ornaments and statues are not permitted.
  • The Superintendent may remove all floral designs, flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, plants or herbage of any kind from a cemetery as soon as, in the judgment of the Superintendent, they become unsightly, dangerous, detrimental or diseased or when they do not conform to the standards maintained.
  • The Superintendent shall not be responsible for frozen plants, pots or herbage of any kind or for plantings damaged by the elements, thieves or other causes beyond his or her control.
  • The Superintendent reserves the right to prevent the removal of flowers, floral designs, trees, shrubs or herbage of any kind.
  • The Superintendent, and other employees of the City, as the case may be, shall undertake to maintain, as may be practical, the planting of trees and shrubs to preserve and maintain landscape features, but such persons shall not be required to undertake and maintain individual plantings, urns or plants.
  • Receptacles for waste material shall be located at convenient places in a cemetery. The throwing of rubbish on drives and paths or on any part of the grounds is prohibited.
  • Persons visiting a cemetery or attending funerals are strictly prohibited from picking flowers, wild or cultivated; from breaking or injuring any tree, shrub or plant; and from writing upon, defacing or injuring any memorial, fence or other structure on the cemetery grounds.

(Ord. 69-0-28. Passed 4-8-69)

Note: The City of Kirtland reserves the right to review, revise, add or delete rules as necessary and without notice. An item not addressed in the rules will be considered not permitted.