State Crash Report
KPD 2022 Annual Report


The Kirtland Police Department is committed to improving awareness and sharing the fundamentals of crime prevention in order to ensure our community provides a safe and secure environment to all our residents, businesses, and churches.

The goal of crime prevention is to reduce the risk of becoming a victim. In order to accomplish this effectively, it is important to remove opportunities for a criminal to take advantage of you and the features of your property that may assist them in committing a crime. You are attempting to prevent either victimization or criminalization by presenting an unattractive target to the criminal. This can be as complex as installing a high-tech alarm system and lighting to something as simple as locking your doors.

Crime prevention is using instinct, common sense, and taking action to eliminate or greatly reduce the criminal’s opportunity. We all have a personal part to play regarding crime prevention. A large share of the responsibility of reducing criminal opportunity lies with you.

The Kirtland Police Department is providing crime prevention residential and commercial security surveys at no cost upon request. The purpose of this survey is to provide security recommendations and will remain confidential. If you would like to request a survey, please email the following information to our Crime Prevention Specialist, Officer Julia DeWolf. Officer DeWolf will contact you and schedule your security survey.

• Name

• Phone

• Email Address

• Residential, Business, or Church Survey

• Survey Address

This report is only advisory and is not intended to identify all security weakness or to warrant adequacy of all present and future measures whether or not recommended. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the police department so we may assist you.



The City of Kirtland Police Department is currently accepting applications for the position of part-time Police Officer. Candidates must be O.P.O.T.A certified at the time of filing the application and will be required to participate in an evaluation process that includes medical, psychological, drug testing, and background investigation. Prior experience is preferred, but not necessary. Click here for an Application Form. Applications may also be picked up in person at City Hall, 9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio. Completed applications should be dropped off at City Hall with a resume included.

Minimum Job Requirements & Qualifications necessary to apply:

Must be at least 21 years of age and a US Citizen

Must possess a High School Diploma or GED

Must possess a valid Ohio driver’s license

Must be a certified police officer in the State of Ohio (O.P.O.T.A.)

Must be able to pass a comprehensive background check, medical screening, psychological, and polygraph or computer voice stress analysis (C.V.S.A.)

Must possess the physical and mental capabilities needed to perform the duties of a police officer

Must possess excellent communications skills, both oral and written

Must be available to work any combination of daytime and nighttime hours as well as weekdays, weekends and holidays

Knowledge of how courts work and how to present evidence during court proceedings

The City of Kirtland is an Equal Opportunity Employer


The Kirtland Police communications center is staged 24 hours a day to handle calls for service for police, fire and emergency medical services. Dispatch personnel play a vital role in both police and fire operations by gathering and disseminating vital information to units in the field.

These employees use radio communications and our new state of the art computer aided (PSAP) dispatch system, to relay all information needed for the responders to properly prepare for and respond to all calls. In addition to these priority operations, dispatchers also handle a number of administrative functions and duties that support the overall service mission of the police department.

Public Records

All records of the Kirtland Police Department are public, unless they are specifically exempt forth disclosures under the Ohio Revised Code and are available for inspection and copying in accordance with the Ohio Public Records Act.

Reports can be requested or viewed at the police department during business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 3:30pm. If you call ahead and complete the records request form ahead of time, the report will be waiting for you to pick up at your convenience when completed.

Witness Statements & Loss of Property

A written statement is required for any individual who wishes to file a report regardless of its severity. Statement forms are crucial documents that our officers are dependent upon for information. Please download and complete the form prior to filing your report.

House Check/Special Attention

House Checks Intro and Info Video

As a service to the citizens of the City of Kirtland, the police department offers house checks while you’re away.

If you are interested in having your house checked while you are on vacation, for a death in the family, transfer of ownership, etc. and fill out the form. Once completed, please email to Clerk Amy Buchanan at or return it to KPD. If you would prefer to sign up over the phone, call Clerk Buchanan at 440-256-3336, ext. 103 (weekdays 8:00 am – 4:30 pm).

It is the policy of the Kirtland Police Department to conduct exterior “House Checks” of unoccupied homes in the City upon request of the owner to protect and minimize thefts and burglaries and to identify any unusual occurrences.

If anything unusual is detected by the inspecting officer, the dispatcher is notified and the dispatcher will then advise the contact person listed on the house check form. A CAD entry will be generated by the dispatcher and the officer will, if necessary, make the proper report.

The house check will be cancelled on return of the owner, request for removal, or after three months.

Meet Up Spot
The Kirtland Police Department has partnered with OfferUp to improve the safety and security of in person transactions. Their Meet Up Spots program helps serve the purpose of designating secure transaction sites for buyers and sellers from online or local marketplaces. THE KPD/City Hall Lobby is open 24 hours a day and can be used as safe, monitored location for exchanges. The sign pictured has been posted outside City Hall. KPD also encourages residents to use the lobby for child custody exchanges when appropriate.