City of Kirtland – In-Person Voting Locations (Masks are Required)
Wards 1 and 2 will vote at City Hall located at 9300 Chillicothe Road.
Wards 3 and 4 will vote at the Community Center located at 7900 Euclid Chardon Road. The Community Center will be open for voting only.
Use this link to find your polling location:
For all election and voting questions visit the Lake County Board of Elections website:
At certain times in the meetings, the public is able to offer its input. If you would like to speak, please press *9 to “raise your hand”. The chairperson of the meeting will then call on you at the appropriate time. If you are not automatically unmuted, you should be able to toggle mute/unmute by pressing *6.
There will be a Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 10 at 6:30 p.m., immediately followed by a Service Dept. Standing Committee meeting. Both meetings will be held on Zoom.
To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: Meeting ID of 440 256 3332 or audible only dial (312) 626-6799 Meeting ID of 440 256 3332.
At certain times in the meetings, the public is able to offer its input. If you would like to speak, please press *9 to “raise your hand”. The chairperson of the meeting will then call on you at the appropriate time. If you are not automatically unmuted, you should be able to toggle mute/unmute by pressing *6.
To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
At certain times in the meetings, the public is able to offer its input. If you would like to speak, please press *9 to “raise your hand”. The chairperson of the meeting will then call on you at the appropriate time. If you are not automatically unmuted, you should be able to toggle mute/unmute by pressing *6.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020 – 5:00 p.m. Economic Development Standing Committee meeting. The meeting will be held via Zoom.
To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: Meeting ID of 440 256 3332 or audible only dial (312) 626-6799 Meeting ID of 440 256 3332.