Veterans Day is November 11th, and all are cordially invited to the Kirtland Veterans’ Memorial at 11:00AM for a short ceremony of remembrance with American Legion Barber-Williams Post 609. At noon a lunch will be served at the Senior Center, please call ahead there for details if you wish to attend.

At certain times in the meetings, the public is able to offer its input. If you would like to speak, please press *9 to “raise your hand”. The chairperson of the meeting will then call on you at the appropriate time. If you are not automatically unmuted, you should be able to toggle mute/unmute by pressing *6.

At certain times in the meetings, the public is able to offer its input. If you would like to speak, please press *9 to “raise your hand”. The chairperson of the meeting will then call on you at the appropriate time. If you are not automatically unmuted, you should be able to toggle mute/unmute by pressing *6.

Kirtland City Council, pursuant to Kirtland Codified Ordinance Section 220.02, will hold a special meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 30, 2020 at the Kirtland Municipal Center, 9301 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio for Third Reading of Ordinance No. 20-O-16 setting the appropriation for the year 2020 and Third Reading of Resolution No. 20-R-17 authorizing transfers of funds.

At certain times in the meetings, the public is able to offer its input. If you would like to speak, please press *9 to “raise your hand”. The chairperson of the meeting will then call on you at the appropriate time. If you are not automatically unmuted, you should be able to toggle mute/unmute by pressing *6.
Virtual Meeting
Or call 312-626-6799 – Meeting ID 440 256 3332