Take advantage of the warm weather and come on out to Trunk or Treat tonight from 6:30 – 8:00! See below for participating locations.
Kirtland Community Center
7900 Euclid-Chardon Road
including Kirtland Fire Department
Kirtland City Hall
9301 Chillicothe Road
including Kirtland public works, Administration, and Police Departments
Kirtland Public Library
9267 Chillicothe Road
Kirtland PTA
Elementary School Parking Lot (behind the school)
9150 Chillicothe Road
Community of Christ / Kirtland Temple Visitor Center
7809 Joseph Street
South Kirtland Business district
8281 Euclid-Chardon Road
including Synergy Salon, Lori Smul – State Farm, Kirtland Flower Barn, Your Fitness
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
8751 Kirtland Road
Historic Kirtland Visitor Center
7800 Kirtland Chardon Road
Beginning the week of October 30, the Kirtland Service Department will collect brush throughout the city. The program is intended to assist residents with the FALL clean-up of branches and twigs that have come down from the inclement winter weather. The program is NOT intended to assist with clearing a parcel or substantially clearing trees on a parcel. Weather permitting, City trucks will pass only one time through each ward, so please have your brush and tree limbs out by the start date listed for your ward. Contact the Kirtland Service Department if you have any questions: 440-256-1234 x11.
2023 Fall Brush Collection Schedule
Wards 1 & 4 – Week of October 30
Wards 2 & 3 – Week of November 6
Requirements for Brush Pick-up
- Brush should be placed at the edge of the road and not in the drainage ditches.
- Brush should not exceed three inches in diameter or a maximum of four feet in length.
- Brush bundles should not exceed 30 pounds and should be set out in an organized manner.
- Bundling with twine is preferred to promote efficiency and safety.
- The entire brush pile should not exceed 10 feet in width.
- Unacceptable items include stumps, shrubs, leaves or ornamental grass.
- No brush piles will be picked up if these requirements are not met.
Beginning the week of October 30, the Kirtland Service Department will collect brush throughout the city. The program is intended to assist residents with the FALL clean-up of branches and twigs that have come down from the inclement winter weather. The program is NOT intended to assist with clearing a parcel or substantially clearing trees on a parcel. Weather permitting, City trucks will pass only one time through each ward, so please have your brush and tree limbs out by the start date listed for your ward. Contact the Kirtland Service Department if you have any questions: 440-256-1234 x11.
2023 Fall Brush Collection Schedule
Wards 1 & 4 – Week of October 30
Wards 2 & 3 – Week of November 6
Requirements for Brush Pick-up
- Brush should be placed at the edge of the road and not in the drainage ditches.
- Brush should not exceed three inches in diameter or a maximum of four feet in length.
- Brush bundles should not exceed 30 pounds and should be set out in an organized manner.
- Bundling with twine is preferred to promote efficiency and safety.
- The entire brush pile should not exceed 10 feet in width.
- Unacceptable items include stumps, shrubs, leaves or ornamental grass.
- No brush piles will be picked up if these requirements are not met.
Council Meetings are normally scheduled for the first and third Mondays of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Kirtland Municipal Center.
As of March 21, 2022, the video recordings of all Council meetings are available by using the link below, including live streams. This link will also allow you to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Council Meetings are normally scheduled for the first and third Mondays of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Kirtland Municipal Center.
As of March 21, 2022, the video recordings of all Council meetings are available by using the link below, including live streams. This link will also allow you to subscribe to our YouTube channel.