A Service Department Standing Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 21 at 6:30 p.m., the meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s Facebook page @CityofKirtland.
A Service Department Standing Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 29 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s Facebook page @CityofKirtland.
Mosquito Control Treatment 8/3
The Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) will conduct mosquito treatment in Kirtland on Monday, August 3. Please note that the spray schedule can change due to weather.
You may get spraying information on the Lake County General Health District website at www.lcghd.org or by calling their mosquito spray hotline at (440) 350-2088.

To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Mosquito Control Treatment 8/13
The Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) will conduct mosquito treatment in Kirtland on Thursday, August 13. Please note that the spray schedule can change due to weather.
You may get spraying information on the Lake County General Health District website at www.lcghd.org or by calling their mosquito spray hotline at (440) 350-2088.

To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332

To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Mosquito Control Treatment 9/8
The Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) will conduct mosquito treatment in Kirtland on Tuesday, September 8. Please note that the spray schedule can change due to weather.
You may get spraying information on the Lake County General Health District website at www.lcghd.org or by calling their mosquito spray hotline at (440) 350-2088.