To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332

To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332

To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332 or audible only dial (312) 626-6799 Meeting ID of 440 256 3332

Interested citizens are invited to access the Zoom meeting using the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Alternately, residents can attend audibly by dialing (312) 626-6799 and input the meeting ID of 440 256 3332.
At certain times in the meetings, the public is able to offer its input. If you would like to speak, please press *9 to “raise your hand”. The chairperson of the meeting will then call on you at the appropriate time. If you are not automatically unmuted, you should be able to toggle mute/unmute by pressing *6.

The purpose of this meeting is to consider the final development plan for the Cocca property.
Interested citizens are invited to access the Zoom meeting using the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Alternately, residents can attend audibly by dialing (312) 626-6799 and input the meeting ID of 440 256 3332.
At certain times in the meetings, the public is able to offer its input. If you would like to speak, please press *9 to “raise your hand”. The chairperson of the meeting will then call on you at the appropriate time. If you are not automatically unmuted, you should be able to toggle mute/unmute by pressing *6.

To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332

To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332

To access the Zoom meeting use the website link: https://zoom.us/j/4402563332. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332
Audible only dial (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID of 440 256 3332