Each month, in addition to an update in the Chronicle, I have an opportunity to write a note in the Kirtland Senior Center Newsletter. The newsletter is made available to Seniors both in print and online via both the City’s and the Community Center’s website. Thinking about this month’s Chronicle update, it dawned on me that some residents may not know about the Community Center website. While the site covers much of what happens at the Senior Center, it is also a medium by which residents can learn about upcoming community events as well as information regarding renting the Community Center for private functions. You can reach the site via our main city website at www.kirtlandohio.com or by going directly to www.kirtlandcommunity.com
I mentioned that I write a note in the monthly Senior Newsletter. While this is true, if you visit the Community Center site and read some of my past submissions, you will quickly see they present much differently than my monthly Chronicle notes. Over the last two years, my senior notes have devolved more into lighthearted creative writing exercises than constructive updates on all things Kirtland. In short, I’ve used the space to have a little bit of fun. Although I’m not sure everyone appreciates the fodder, the opportunity to entertain myself has become irresistible. The following is an excerpt from my February note to our seniors that focused on the plethora of holidays that reside in the month of February.
Presidents’ Day. Now there’s a holiday. Since we’ve had forty-six heads of the American State, it should be easy for us to pick one of them to revere and remember on the third Monday in February. This year I’ve decided, in preparation for Presidents’ Day, I will try to read a little something about one of the more obscure and lesser-known winners of the Electoral College. So, without much thought and a proverbial toss at the dart board of President’s names, I plan to read about Millard Filmore. I’m going into the Filmore study blind and with low expectations.
Since it’s well established, we grew up hearing countless tales about Washington, Jackson, Lincoln or Kennedy, the likes of lesser knowns such as Filmore, Polk and Harrison seem to be forgotten or shelved as if they hardly existed. I realize I’m being a bit presumptuous and for all I know, many of you are experts on the boring and lack luster reigns of Warren Harding and Chester Arthur. If that is the case, I apologize. I mean no offense to you or your affinity for one term wonders like Franklin Pierce or Martin Van Buren.
Like I said, the monthly senior note has devolved. But if you’re in fact interested in reading the rest of my take on February holidays or would like to hear how a business trip to Savannah revealed to me an obscure tactical map used by General Sherman near the close of the Civil War, check out the Senior Newsletter page on the community webpage.
Here’s to hoping for a February devoid of frigid arctic air, and I look forward to getting back to reporting the pertinent business of the City in March.
Mayor Potter