Safety Town will be held from June 5 – 9, 2023. The Monday thru Friday program will be held in the morning hours at the Kirtland City Hall. Children entering with kindergarten or first grade in the fall of 2023 are welcome to attend as we learn about many safety topics! Kirtland Police, Kirtland Fire, and the Lake MetroParks will all be involved with the program this year, along with a few other local companies. We are looking for any Kirtland businesses and residents who would like to become sponsors as well. Please feel free to reach out to the Community Center for more information. We are also going to be accepting applications for counselors for our camp. Any high school student (incoming ninth grader and above) for the fall of 2023 can contact the Community Center for information on how to apply. Registration for the camp will begin April 3 or by calling the Community Center at 440-256-4711.
The cost for Safety Town is $15 per student, and must be paid to the Community Center (7900 Euclid-Chardon Road) in person by cash or check. Waivers are also available at the Center, and must be completed for each student.
Please note that Kirtland residents who have not yet attended Safety Town will be given first priority through April 17. Once registration is full, children will be placed on a wait list.