The City of Kirtland will hold a virtual Public Forum at 10:00a.m. on Saturday, January 30, 2021. This informational and interactive meeting will be an opportunity for open discussion with affected property owners as well as to examine the project’s scope, timeline and costs.

To access the Zoom meeting using the website link: Meeting ID of 440 256 3332. Alternately, residents can attend audibly by dialing (312) 626-6799 and input the meeting ID of 440 256 3332.

Letters were sent to all property owners advising them of the meeting along with project information and FAQs.

Letter to Property Owners - January 2021 Project Information & FAQs


In preparation for a January 2021 Community Zoom Forum, please watch the informational presentation regarding the upcoming Old Town Sewer project. Please continue to check our website for more information, including a meeting date, letter to Old Town residents and Power Point presentation.

Old Town Sewer Project meeting presentation video.

Old Town Sewer Project meeting PowerPoint presentation.