It’s hard to believe that it is already November. Before we know it, we’ll be dealing with the s-word. But thanks to great leadership in the Service Department, dedicated workers, and a terrific staff mechanic, our team will be ready to deal with whatever comes our way. As always, please be patient with our road department as they work hard to keep our streets safe during Northeast Ohio’s inevitable inclement weather events.
Back by popular demand, the Service Department will also be serving our residents at our second annual fall brush pickup later this month. Pick-up for Wards 2 & 4 will take place the week of November 8th and Wards 1 & 3, during the week of November 15th. Remember this is for branches and sticks and is not a leaf pickup. To promote efficiency, we ask that you stack piles neatly near the roadways and refer to the city website for more instructions and tips.
This coming Tuesday, November 2nd, is Election Day. I humbly ask for your support for the Senior & Recreation Levy Renewal that supports operations for our community’s youth and senior programs and facilities. This is NOT a tax increase and without these dollars the City would be faced with some very tough choices.
Also on the ballot is five candidates running for three At Large Council positions. As Councilmen Lowery and Lesnick are not seeking re-election, the makeup on City council will certainly change. Thank you to both Rich and John for rolling up their sleeves and, in only four years, helping to support our quest for transparency, accountability, and efficiency. They are proof that new faces and bold ideas are some of the most effective ways to move a community forward.
On November 13th we will be mobilizing as an army of neighbors at City Hall at 8:45 a.m. for our first community Fall leaf cleanup. We will head out in teams to assist seniors and veterans in their yards. As the list of requests for help is nearing thirty homesites, we are hoping for a great turnout of volunteers. If you are interested in helping please email Teresa at [email protected]. Although not required to participate, please consider bringing rakes, gloves, tarps, and leaf blowers to what should be a fun filled day of giving back to those that paved the way for all of us.
Led by the Barber-Williams American Legion Post 609, a short Veterans Day ceremony will take place at City Hall at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 11. If you are unable to attend, please take a moment of reflection throughout the day to remember our U.S. military veterans and all they’ve sacrificed.
Finally, on Tuesday, November 23 at 7:30 pm, an Ecumenical Service will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (8751 Kirtland Road). We are grateful to bring back this annual tradition and look forward to collaborating with several of our faith and civil communities. We hope you will join us to give thanks as we come together in a celebration of Faith and Beauty.
As both election season and autumn draw to an end, I invite everyone to come together as a City in patience, in service, in remembrance, and in thanksgiving. Together, let’s welcome this new season as neighbors.