Summer in Kirtland kicked off in exemplary fashion with a terrific Memorial Day parade and service. Thanks to Kirtland Kiwanis, the Garden Club, American Legion, Boy Scouts as well as our City Service Department for all their hard work to get the Veterans Memorial looking top notch in preparation for the day’s events. The weather was beautiful and the Kirtland High School Marching Band was dynamite as they complimented the parade and ceremony with the right balance of tradition and reverence. A special thanks to Colonel Michael Stull of the United States Army for his thoughtful words as to the history and meaning of Memorial Day. It was truly a proud day for Kirtland.
As we all eagerly ease back into normalcy, Kirtland stands to see a busy summer of events and happenings.
The Mayor’s Action Network is a collaborative with our city’s churches, schools and civic groups to expand volunteer opportunities and events designed to lift community spirit. On Saturday, June 12, the Mayor’s Action Network will begin their monthly community project day by cleaning up several yards of Kirtland residents. Many hands make light work – if you would like to volunteer to help, please go to and search for “Kirtland Community Day.” All ages and experience levels are welcome!
We are excited to be partnering with the Friends of the Kirtland Library as they once again host their Gazebo Concert Series. The first concert will welcome the Chardon Polka Band on Wednesday, June 30 at 7:00 pm. This event will also spotlight our City as we invite area businesses to City Hall’s front lawn to interact with the community, showcasing their services and wares. If you are a Kirtland business interested in coming out on June 30, please contact Teresa by June 20 at 440-256-3332 ex. 5 or at [email protected]. Starting at 6:00 pm, burgers, hot dogs, snacks, and beverages will be provided as members of your Kirtland City government will be manning the grills and coolers).
In addition to the June engagements and keeping with our motto, City of Faith and Beauty, stay tuned for details regarding Faith Night on July 21st and Beauty Night on August 18th. These will also be held in conjunction with two more of the Library’s summer concerts. Keep an eye out on the City’s Facebook page and website for further details.
June also brings the bid opening for our city road program. City Engineer Courtney and Service Director Fornaro will be busy vetting bids, coordinating contracts and working with the selected contractor to set the paving schedule. I again want to thank all those who have worked so diligently to make the 2021 road program possible. The hard work in 2020 to control costs by department restructuring and outsourcing dispatch to Willoughby make our 2021 road repairs possible.
Along with the return of the Kirtland Kiwanis Strawberry Festival (with the newly announced date of August 5th-7th), we are also excited that the Senior Center has recently re-opened. All new guidelines and schedules are posted on the Center’s website at
As more details come forth regarding both the Strawberry Festival and the Center re-opening, we thank you for your patience. And thank you to those who have already completed your City resident survey. For those who have not yet completed it, you can stop by City Hall for a paper copy or fill it out on-line (details available on our website at Your responses will assist us in planning more community events and to set a foundation for the future of Kirtland.
Thank you,
Kevin Potter – Mayor